Friday, 18 March 2011

News - Direct from the desk of the Club Secretary

We are really into the swing of the new golf season and the clocks haven’t even changed yet.
Upcoming events include
Saturday March 19th  RACE NIGHT
1st Race will be getting underway at around 19.45 with 8 races in all before the auctioned race at the end of the evening. We still have a few horses left to sell (only £2 each) so if you are coming along for the evening then please let the bar know if you would like to buy one.

This is the 1st deliberate mistake that I have got away with! No one noticed the Monday 31st  date on the entry form. If anyone requires a form they are available on the Members Notice Board.

Saturday April 2nd      SUMMER COMPETITION DRAW   
Friday April 1st The 1st Fristab of the year
This really does mean summer is coming.  The format is a 10 hole stableford with an entry
fee of £3 which also covers your 1st drink
Friday April 1st  RITA’S ‘RECENT’ QUIZ
This one is worrying me slightly, it being held on April Fool’s Day! For those of you yet to attend one of Rita’s quizzes let me assure you that they are the most up to date questions that money can buy.

The menu looks very appetizing and with the added attraction of the melodic voice of the Senior Captain and his friends to listen to I would suggest to book early as numbers will be limited.

Friday 8th April  BINGO NIGHT      
Dave McArthur is in Thailand at the moment on a bingo callers course and so should be in tip top form for this. For those of you who like to do 5 cards at once be warned, he is going to be quick!

Tuesday 15th March
Congratulations to Miles Oldershaw and Di Clark who were victorious in the Ladies and Senior Greensome. Their score of 37 points was one better than Mike Dowsett and Jackie Evitts with Ray Cooke and Rita Smith taking 3rd spot with 35 points. I am not sure what inspired the turnaround in the Seniors Captain and the Lady Captain, but after only managing a miserly 8 points on the front 9 Paddy  Hodgson and Jan Godden accumulated a very impressive 23 points on the back 9.

Sunday 13th March
Division 1     The Sunday Stableford gave the impression of being a Junior Old Boys benefit with 4 of the top 5 places going to players to have represented the junior team in the last 3 years. First was Steven Cooke with a very impressive 42 points playing off 7 handicap. Adam Keen kept up his good form to record 41 points with Kasey Tuckey taking 3rd on 40 points. Just out the prizes but definitely worth a mention was Nick Punter in 4th place on 38 points. Playing off a 12 handicap Nick played the back 9 holes in 1 under par gross to amass 25 points.
Division 2  Ian Sinclair, playing in his first ever qualifier, took the honours with 41 points and saw his newly acquired handicap of 15 get cut straight away to 14. The 2nd and 3rd spots saw a titanic struggle between the captain and his vice captain, who were playing together.  In the end the more experienced Ray Cooke prevailed with 38 points with Steve Sargeant one adrift on 37 points.  

Just a gentle reminder that the yearly subscriptions are due on the 1st April. For those of you who are planning to pay by Standing Order but have not yet returned their forms could I ask that you get them to me ASAP as I then have time to forward them onto your bank before the 1st
The Captains Committee have asked me to have a regular clear out of the Men’s Locker Room. The first of these will be taking place on Monday Morning so could I please ask that any items of clothes, footwear etc are removed before then.